Central Ohio Healthcare Summit 2025
About the Summit -
Public Driving Directions
Join us for the Second Annual Healthcare Summit, an immersive, hands-on event connecting students, educators and healthcare professionals!
Two student sessions (9 to 10:55 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. to 1:10 p.m.)
A public (all ages) session from 2 to 4 p.m.
Six occupation stations and four mobile medical units
Medical Assisting
Medical Lab Technology
Respiratory Therapy
Surgical Technology
High School Students - Bus Map!
Registration has Closed!
Explore the exciting world of healthcare through hands-on stations where you’ll meet professionals, check out interactive tables and see a mobile medical unit. Choose your top three occupations to visit:
Respiratory Therapist
Surgical Technologist
Radiologic/Imaging Technologist
Medical Assistant
Registered Nurse
Medical Laboratory Technician
Can I volunteer?
Yes! Volunteers are to register here. Volunteers will not demonstrate clinical activities but rather support student flow and check-in buses and personnel.
Can I sign up as a clinical activity demonstrator?
Yes! Demonstrators are invited to register here. Demonstrators from the four partner hospitals will lead clinical activities with the students in the six occupational work areas.
Can I sign up for an HR / TA area?
Yes! The Second Annual Healthcare Summit will feature four HR / TA areas located next to your hospital's respective mobile medical unit. Individuals providing HR / TA support and career guidance will be provided a complimentary lunch buffet on the event days of Feb. 19 and 20 at 1 p.m. along with complimentary parking.
Learn more and sign up here.
What about lunch?
Lunch is provided for educators, staff and healthcare employees who are supporting the event at 1 pm. Not available for students.
When will students receive their agenda badges?
Badges will be distributed before the event to each high school by mail or in-person delivery.
What about parking?
The Summit offers complimentary parking for school buses and compensated parking for event workers at check-in.
Summit FAQs

Hosted by the Healthcare Career Collaborative of Central Ohio
Driving Directions!
Ohio Expo Center – Lausche Building
717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211
Wednesday, Feb. 19 & Thursday, Feb. 20
Healthcare Education Leaders -
Registration has Closed!
Help shape the future of healthcare by hosting an interactive table at the Summit. Each program is provided two 6-foot tables with power access for demonstrations. Setup is on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Provided to Hosts:
Complimentary parking and lunch for all educational participants
Two 6-foot tables and chairs (extension cords suggested if needed)