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Healthcare Summit - Public Registration

We’re excited to welcome you to the Central Ohio Healthcare Summit hosted by the Healthcare Career Collaborative of Central Ohio.

  • It will be held at the Ohio Expo Center's Lausche Building (717 E. 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 43211). 

  • Public attendance runs from 2 pm to 4 pm on Wed., Feb. 19 and Thurs., Feb. 20.

  • We'd love to learn more about your top career fields that will be presented at the Summit, where you will engage in hands-on demonstrations along with exploring interactive tables hosted by educational leaders from these respective occupational programs. Additionally, you’ll have a chance to check-out a medical mobile unit and speak with engaging human resources and talent acquisition leaders.

  • Parking at the Ohio Expo Center is $7 per vehicle.

Select what date / time you will attend. It's important to keep your reserved date/time. You can contact us if an unforeseen event occurs and your reserved date/time must be canceled or changed.
Wed., Feb. 19 from 2 pm to 4 pm
Thurs., Feb. 20 from 2 pm to 4 pm
Select Your Top Career Interest from the Options Below.
Respiratory Therapist
Surgical Technologist
Radiologic / Imaging Technologist
Medical Assistant
Registered Nurse
Medical Laboratory Technician
Select your 2nd Career Preference from the options below.
Respiratory Therapist
Surgical Technologist
Radiologic / Imaging Technologist
Medical Assistant
Registered Nurse
Medical Laboratory Technician
Select your 3rd Career Preference from the Options Below:
Respiratory Therapist
Surgical Technologist
Radiologic / Imaging Technologist
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technician
Photos and videos will be taken during the event. Do we have your permission to take your photo and/or video?

Let the anticipation begin!

  • Upon hitting submit, your spot at the event for the selected date/time will be finalized.

  • To learn more about in-demand clinical occupations, available learning resources for this event, and upcoming summer healthcare camps, visit

  • Remember, parking at the Ohio Expo Center is $7 per vehicle.


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Healthcare Summit

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