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Summit Demonstrators

The Second Annual Healthcare Summit will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19 and Thursday, Feb 20.  The event will be held at the Ohio Expo Center’s Lausche Building (717 East 17th Avenue Columbus, OH 42311). Healthcare practitioners are invited to sign-up as demonstrators across six occupation-focused station areas along with Mobile Medical Unit guides. For each day, there are three time blocks to choose from. Demonstrators will be provided complimentary lunch and parking on Wed., Feb. 19 and Thurs., Feb. 20.

This event will welcome over 2,000 students from 42 unique high schools along with hosting an adult-focused session in the afternoon.

Select All Time Blocks that You Can Support
Select All Occupation-Focused Areas or Mobile Medical Unit areas below where you could serve as a demonstrator. Instructions will be provided on the listed activities, and you will be invited to attend planning sessions in January.

Healthcare Summit


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