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High School Registration Form for the Healthcare Summit

This year’s Central Ohio Healthcare Summit will be held on Wed., February 19 and Thurs., Feb. 20 at the Ohio Expo Center. Hosted by the Healthcare Career Collaborative of Central Ohio, the region’s major health systems will host demonstration stations for six in-demand clinical occupations alongside interactive tables hosted by associated education program leaders for these respective occupations. These in-demand clinical careers include surgical technology, imaging or radiologic technology, respiratory therapy, registered nursing, medical assisting, and medical laboratory technician.

Students from grades 9 – 12 are welcome to attend this event. Students will spend 30 minutes each at three occupational stations along with an opportunity to check out a mobile medical unit and chat with human resource / talent acquisition leaders.

Max capacity is 64 students per school building. Educational resources will be provided to students prior to the event, and a list of area healthcare career exploration camps to be held this summer will be promoted for students to participate in.

What is your Most Preferred Time Block to Attend? (Wed. Afternoon is full)
What is your Second Most Preferred Time Block to Attend? (Wed. afternoon is full)

You will receive an email from the Healthcare Career Collaborative of Central Ohio confirming your school building’s participation and date / time block assignment. Thereafter: 

  1. a school chaperone form is available at this link

  2. direct your students to complete the student survey to demonstrate their preferences for their top three occupational stations to attend (also below on this web page).

  3. agenda badges with lanyards will be delivered to the individual schools prior to the event, containing unique schedules for each student. 

  4. To note: directions for buses will be provided, and buses will be provided free parking by the Ohio Expo Center. Unfortunately, lunch will not be provided to students.

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