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Healthcare Education Program Leaders to Host Interactive Tables

Dear Healthcare Education Program Leaders,

This year’s Central Ohio Healthcare Summit will be held at the Ohio Expo Center’s Lausche Building on February 19 and 20, 2025. The Summit will feature six occupational demonstration stations that will be co-located in the same immediate space with interactive tables hosted by associated healthcare education programs for each respective occupation. You’re invited to register below to host an interactive table at this event, where you will be provided power to help students better grasp educational pathways into these in-demand healthcare careers.

This year’s occupation stations will each contain healthcare practitioners providing hands-on demonstrations using medical equipment alongside interactive tables hosted by associated healthcare education program leaders. These occupation stations include nursing, medical assisting, medical laboratory technician, surgical technologist, respiratory therapist, and imaging/radiologic technologist.

Complimentary parking and lunch will be provided to all education registrants upon check-in

  • Each program will be provided two 6’ foot tables and 2 chairs.

  • Electricity will be available, but please bring extension cords as needed.

  • Set-up will be on Tuesday, Feb. 18. (4 education programs per station).

Upon reviewing your registration application, you will receive an email that will confirm your participation in the Healthcare Summit.

Education Program Focus Area(s). Select all that apply.

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Healthcare Summit

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